
Spanish Grammar TIPS

The following article discusses topics such as online spanish grammer and exercises,

interactive spanish grammar sites, and 6 examples of different grammatical spanish sentences. But it's hard to find good recources about Spanish grammar. I know. I've been there. (For more details on these topics see: Spanish Practice Test)

The article also considers topics such as: a guide to the spanish subjunctive; practice spanish past tense; 6 examples of diffrent grammatical spanish sentences; masculine vs feminine spanish words; and common phrases for medical use spanish translation.

Like I said, I know how difficult it is to begin learning Spanish grammar, I remember struggling with the fact that Spanish verbs change so many ways depending on the tense and the context. Believe me! I thought I would never get it!

There is hope. I can still remember how excited I was, when I finally got the hang of it and when I talked about myself, I didn't refer to myself as a male. Imagine how happy you will be, when I show you how YOU can put a sentence together that sounds good and not only impresses your new Spanish neighbor, but doesn't confuse him anymore.

(More information about this, can be found at: Beginners Spanish Lessons)

Fortunately, I finally found something that worked. (Took darn long searching for information on online spanish grammer and exercises, interactive spanish grammar sites, and 6 examples of different grammatical spanish sentences!) And when I tell you about it, you'll see how easy it is to once and for all feel confident about the way you speak Spanish by... (continued at Beginning Spanish Worksheets)


1993, Collected citings from foreign publications (not available in English), on Spanish Smartboard Lessons

1995, Proceedings of the International Organization, List of References for Learn Spanish Software

1998, Transcript of the 3rd Symposium, Abbreviated Notations on Software Learn Spanish

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